Dog anal sac and bad legs

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legs dog anal sac and bad

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legs dog anal sac and bad

Health tips for pets

legs dog anal sac and bad

legs dog anal sac and bad

legs dog anal sac and bad

legs dog anal sac and bad

Description:Anal gland blockage, or infection, is a common problem in domestic dogs, and occasionally in cats. The unique scent produced by each dog's anal glands sends out a clear message as to “who's turf you are on”. And the smell aaaagh!! .it doesn't get much worse, and I've smelt some pretty bad things, as a vet!.

Views: 8414 Date: 24.01.2018 Favorited: 334 favorites

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Mauran 20.01.2018 at 16:10 says:
+ -
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cute girl
Kagagor 22.01.2018 at 07:32 says:
+ -
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wi wouldl loveto dress as a shemale then bend over in my tatex dress any offers
Kami 29.01.2018 at 02:34 says:
+ -
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Surely she shouldn't have pissed so near her tent. If the sun comes out later on, it will stink of stale urine.
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