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Description:We watched movies, ordered out Chinese many times, went to several auctions & even had our own antique barn sale. Ron's jokes . in our lives. Much love to each of you, may his smile linger in your memories forever - special hugs Carol Lord, I love you, marti .. We are so very sorry to hear of Linda's passing. We hadn't.

Views: 5577 Date: 15.01.2018 Favorited: 972 favorites

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Tygodal 26.06.2018 at 16:47 says:
+ -
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show me your ass, lady I want to lick it
Gotaur 06.07.2018 at 19:53 says:
+ -
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Tres bonne. Beautiful breasts nice video I enjoy.
Yogami 08.07.2018 at 23:11 says:
+ -
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Wow, most impressive
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