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Description:24 Aug A string-bikinied beauty with an all-over tan, Mrs. Ching was raised among Waikiki beachboys (including her older brother, world champion surfer Jim Blears ) and has little use for females with a cause — on or off the surf. “Girls act like ' You've gotta win, man, or you can't walk on the beach,' ” she complains.

Views: 6405 Date: 22.09.2017 Favorited: 431 favorites

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Kigakree 04.06.2018 at 18:32 says:
+ -
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good play she knows hot spots . she is wearing shalwar kameez not sari
Nikot 09.06.2018 at 22:45 says:
+ -
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Would love to seem more hair on the cunt
Garan 16.06.2018 at 23:32 says:
+ -
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That is definately not a clit. And more like a small dick. She has both male and female parts. She's one of those Rares thay was born with both parts but her dick didn't fully develop. Which is a better outcome for her.
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