Rule of thumb says

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of says rule thumb

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of says rule thumb

Sun Journal

of says rule thumb

of says rule thumb

of says rule thumb

of says rule thumb

Description:Fig. 6: Sketch of a distance ellipse A rule of thumb says that there has to be a ellipse surrounding the wind turbine. All other points or elements within this ellipse will be eliminated. The size of this minimum distance ellipse is shown on figure 7. R1 should be the sevenfold size of the wind turbines rotor diameter, R2 amounts.

Views: 4441 Date: 10.03.2018 Favorited: 942 favorites

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Dougar 28.06.2018 at 20:43 says:
+ -
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Nice pancake tits.
Tygogul 07.07.2018 at 23:51 says:
+ -
Reply | Quote ex was almost her size " 63 inch hips". I have seen that model before, she is a classic pear shape. When they sit on you and grind on your sausage...once you start to cum you can't will be lucky to get it out to her butt .and cum there like the porn stars do it. YES I would marry her too!!
Yozshucage 18.07.2018 at 05:58 says:
+ -
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So all naked. But keeps watch on. Then the other guy has sunglasses.
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